Photos, videos, lake related news, electric safety tips, important information about upcoming events and an occasional historic tidbit. These are some of the items you can find posted to the Grand River Dam Authority’s Facebook page.
For several years now, GRDA has maintained the page to enhance its social media presence and give the online visitor a little more insight into the Authority’s overall mission. Together, this page, along with the GRDA YouTube Channel, Twitter Account and the Grand Lake app are all avenues for lake visitors, electricity customers, employees, stakeholders and the public at-large to view the latest news releases, updated lake information, public notices, floodwater release information and other informative links.
Like all social media, GRDA’s sites are always evolving, but the goal is for them to become great resources for all stakeholders, whether they are interested in the electric utility industry, lakes or just current GRDA issues. They can also be a great place for GRDA to receive important feedback.
As a reminder, GRDA’s original cyberspace location – – is always open for business too. You can read the latest news releases there and get more information on all aspects of the broad GRDA mission. Currently on, you can find a link to the 2015 Grand Lake Watershed Survey. This survey is a tool to aid the Grand Lake Watershed Alliance Foundation in gaining valuable input from the general public, local communities and residents across the four-state watershed region. You can take the study to help aid GLWAF and GRDA efforts in developing a comprehensive education plan for the watershed.
Also on the site is a new link to the “I Am GRDA” video series, which is a new effort that will allow our employees to give a first-hand account of their expertise and the job they perform each day to provide low-cost, reliable electricity to thousands of Oklahomans. More information on lake permitting, GRDA job openings, vendor requirements, education programs (Electric Express) and overall GRDA operations are also available.
Headquartered in Vinita, GRDA is Oklahoma’s state-owned electric utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. GRDA’s low-cost, reliable power touches 75 of 77 counties in the state and serves as an important economic development engine for Oklahoma. At no cost to Oklahoma taxpayers, GRDA also manages 70,000 surface acres of lakes in the state, including Grand Lake, Lake Hudson and the W.R. Holway Reservoir. Today, GRDA’s 500 employees continue to produce the same “power for progress” that has benefited the state for 75 years. The efforts of Team GRDA facilitate over $450 million in economic activity in Oklahoma annually.
GRDA and the Social Media Scene
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